Animals in Laboratories Speak
Every year, more than 100 million animals are used in experimentation in the U.S. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) is the only U.S. federal statute that regulates the treatment of animals used in experiments. However, it excludes >95% of animals used. Additionally, even for the species which are covered, the AWA provides no limits on […]
CCS Investor Summit 2022 Report
On March 24, 2022, CCS hosted its first ever Investor Summit in partnership with Beyond Animal. The Summit was open to the public and brought together an international group of innovators, investors, researchers, start-ups, and venture philanthropists. The packed, three-hour-Summit was an opportunity to provide needed exposure to business entities in the space, promote the […]
2021 Year in Review
It’s Time to Modernize Medical Science
Stacked away in my basement is an old 8-track cassette player that I used as a kid in the late 1970’s. I keep it to remind me how far science can advance if there is the will to do so. The 8-tracks first hit the market in the mid-1960’s and were considered state of the […]
The Future of Parkinson’s Disease Research
Check out CCS’s latest scientific publication on Parkinson’s Disease research. In coordination with the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), CCS held a workshop May 2021 to develop a scheme that outlines the basic research and testing approaches necessary to make PD research a success—elucidating pathological mechanisms, identifying knowledge gaps, discovering druggable targets, and developing […]
A Poignant Last Act by Congressman Alcee Hastings
Earlier this month, Congressman Alcee Hastings, a Democrat from Florida, died from pancreatic cancer. My heart goes out to Hastings and his family for what they must have surely gone through. I know just how terrible pancreatic cancer is. It’s one of the most painful cancers to suffer through. My grandfather died from this disease […]
The Three Biggest Impacts the Pandemic is Having on Animal Testing
At the Center for Contemporary Sciences (CCS), we believe in the possibilities that good science can offer. We believe that we can improve human health, and do it better, by replacing animal tests with innovative testing methods. We believe that medical research and testing methods should start and end with human biology. After all, the goal of […]
2020 Annual Report