Investments in Promising Technologies

The CCS Investment Program helps connect innovators creating human-relevant research technologies that can replace animal testing with potential investors.

The CCS Investor Summit is one-of-a-kind business development event. It brings together innovators, investors, researchers, and venture philanthropists to support new technologies and bolster investments in the emerging field of human-relevant alternatives to animal experimentation. The summit, like other activities at CCS, facilitates the cross-pollination of ideas, provides much needed exposure to business entities, and unlocks entrepreneurial potential under expert feedback.

About CCS’s Inaugural Investor Summit

Lung on a Chip*
Credit: Wyss Institute

In 2022, CCS, in partnership with Beyond Animal, held the world’s first Summit to replace animal testing geared for investors. It brought together innovators, researchers, start-ups, and venture philanthropists from around the world. The event educated investors about human-relevant testing methods and introduced them to international companies creating testing methods that can replace animal experiments.

Current Investment Opportunity

CCS has formed a partnership with the GlassWall Syndicate (GWS). GWS is a large group of venture capitalists, individual investors, foundations, and trusts to establish a collaborative venue to bring together investors interested in human-specific testing methods with the companies creating these methods.


  • The company must be working on a technology or product that will replace the use of animals in experimentation.
  • The company must be willing to take $25K as a minimum check size from individual investors.

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