Science & Technology

Saving lives through disruptive science.

What are the Problems?

Advancements in technology and scientific knowledge can dramatically improve human health. Yet critical knowledge and advancements that can best accomplish this are too often deprioritized by the medical research, pharmaceutical, and public health sectors or are ignored altogether.  For example, more than 90% of experimental drugs fail in clinical trials for safety or efficacy reasons, although they have been deemed safe and effective in animal testing. In academic research, billions in U.S. taxpayers’ money continue to be spent on unreliable models that marginally resemble the human diseases being investigated. The interplay between pandemics, climate change, and antibiotic resistance with factory farming is receiving little attention from public health agencies. This needs to change.

What are the Solutions?

CCS works on multiple fronts to shift the existing paradigm in medical research and other areas that impact health. CCS brings together innovators, investors, researchers, and venture philanthropists to support modern technologies in the emerging field of human-relevant alternatives to animal experimentation.  We partner with key stakeholders across diverse sectors to provide a unified voice to the scientific community and policy makers to support the discovery, development, refinement, and use of the best scientific innovations that can replace ineffective animal testing.  CCS provides science-based thought leadership on the human health threats of the wildlife trade and factory farming. We engage with health agencies and others in support of progressive initiatives that reduce these threats and help advance human, animal, and planetary health and well-being.

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