State Legislatures and Current Bills to Protect Animals from Experimentation

State legislatures across the country have introduced bills to protect animals from experimentation. These bills range from prohibiting the sale of cosmetics that use animals in testing to requiring non-animal methods be used in place of animal experimentation. CCS is happy to support bills that aim to protect humans, animals, and the environment, especially those […]
Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics Summer School: Animals, Scholarship, and Zombies?

The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics held its Eighth Annual Oxford Animal Ethics Summer School in early August. This year’s theme was Animals and the Media: Communicating Ethical Perspectives on Animals. Merton College at the University of Oxford provided the perfect environment for scholars from all over the globe to meet, learn, and discuss ethical […]
The Milieu of Zuzalu

The sun began its slow descent into the Adriatic Sea when we arrived in Montenegro on May 2, 2023. Picture a 2-month long (non) Burning Man off the glittering coast celebrated by futurists in the fields of longevity, cryptocurrency, AI, and The Network State. That was the phenomenon that was Zuzalu. Originally conceived by Vitalik […]
Join Us for World Day for Animals in Laboratories

Today, April 24th, is World Day for Animals in Laboratories—a day for honest and open discussion about the suffering animals experience in laboratories. And make no doubt, animals in labs do suffer every day of their lives. Having worked at the Food and Drug Administration and U.S. Army for more than a decade, I have […]
FDA Modernization Act and Beyond: Updates from the FY2023 Omnibus Bill and Accompanying Report Language

You may have heard that on December 29th President Biden signed the FY2023 Omnibus bill. This $1.7 trillion spending package includes some major wins for human health, animals, and the planet. The FDA Modernization Act 2.0 is what we view as one of the most significant inclusions in the bill, and one of the biggest […]
It’s Time to Modernize Medical Science

Stacked away in my basement is an old 8-track cassette player that I used as a kid in the late 1970’s. I keep it to remind me how far science can advance if there is the will to do so. The 8-tracks first hit the market in the mid-1960’s and were considered state of the […]
A Poignant Last Act by Congressman Alcee Hastings

Earlier this month, Congressman Alcee Hastings, a Democrat from Florida, died from pancreatic cancer. My heart goes out to Hastings and his family for what they must have surely gone through. I know just how terrible pancreatic cancer is. It’s one of the most painful cancers to suffer through. My grandfather died from this disease […]
The Three Biggest Impacts the Pandemic is Having on Animal Testing

At the Center for Contemporary Sciences (CCS), we believe in the possibilities that good science can offer. We believe that we can improve human health, and do it better, by replacing animal tests with innovative testing methods. We believe that medical research and testing methods should start and end with human biology. After all, the goal of […]