Horror Movies and Zoonotic Disease: What’s the Connection?

In the wake of a global pandemic, Dystopian films depicting rampant disease leading to the end of the world take on a new patina of realism.  The horror narrative that includes zombies, quarantines, and even the farming of humans for consumption as told through books, movies, and even video games remain timeless and successful.  Despite […]

The Public Health and Animal Protection Connection

COVID-19 changed lives. We lost loved ones and missed out on moments like weddings and graduations. Since March 2020, the term “once in a lifetime” to describe the public health event has been used more than once. But the stark reality is that for many of us, it will not be once in a lifetime. […]

The Three Biggest Impacts the Pandemic is Having on Animal Testing

At the Center for Contemporary Sciences (CCS), we believe in the possibilities that good science can offer. We believe that we can improve human health, and do it better, by replacing animal tests with innovative testing methods.  We believe that medical research and testing methods should start and end with human biology. After all, the goal of […]