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The Role of Animal Experimentation in Endangering Species

On May 19th we celebrated Endangered Species Day, dedicated to learning about and taking action to protect endangered and threatened species. 2023 also marks the …

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Small chimpanzee hang holding on to human fingers.

The Animal Welfare Act Protects Animals, Right?

Few federal laws are considered household names. One of these is the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). The AWA was the first United States federal law …

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FDA Modernization Act and Beyond: Updates from the FY2023 Omnibus Bill and Accompanying Report Language

You may have heard that on December 29th President Biden signed the FY2023 Omnibus bill. This $1.7 trillion spending package includes some major wins for …

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It’s Time to Modernize Medical Science

Stacked away in my basement is an old 8-track cassette player that I used as a kid in the late 1970’s. I keep it to …

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A Poignant Last Act by Congressman Alcee Hastings

Earlier this month, Congressman Alcee Hastings, a Democrat from Florida, died from pancreatic cancer. My heart goes out to Hastings and his family for what …

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The Three Biggest Impacts the Pandemic is Having on Animal Testing

At the Center for Contemporary Sciences (CCS), we believe in the possibilities that good science can offer. We believe that we can improve human health, and do …

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